Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Stabinski Bunnies....

"Mommy can we be done now?"
Twinners' first Easter A/E


"Maybe this isn't so bad....."

"One chunky baby!"

Happy Easter!!!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Toofies and Tubbies

Does anyone have butter for these rolls?
I love this baby's bummy!

Yep...I'm ready for bathing suit season!

Cookie-face shows off his toofies

This is the best Biter Biscuit ever!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Fun with Elias....

There's always one out of control party guest
"Alexander! You're not paying attention to me!! Maybe this will work?"

"I love my brother Alexander!"

"No I do not think the crib needs to be dropped again."

"Hmmm...they forgot to lock the baby play area again...."

Sleepy boys

"Hi Mommy, Whatcha eating?"

"No, in fact I don't know who made that mess!"

The entire time I was pregnant with Elias...I continually asked God that he give us a "normal" baby (i.e. opposite of our poor twinners)..... Sadly he didn't listen and gave us a crazy one.....Baby Elias has been a gift in so many ways...he keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh all day long..He's only 9 months old and weighs 25 lbs and measures 30 1/4" long..His clothing size is 18 months and his 24 month Spring jacket fits perfectly!! He strives to keep up with his big brothers who he adores...and will be walking any day now. He's such a good boy and very easy baby. When Baby Elias speaks, his voice is deeper than some adult men! Here are some of his antics...My only disappoinment is that his "babyhood" seemed to last only moments~he loves to keep up with those twinners! xoxo

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Guess where we ate lunch? Thanks Mimi and Poppy!!
Mommy needed all the help she could get with those candles!

Elias the pirate...

Evan's so proud!

The boys wanted to take this shot for Poppy...

Mommy and her boys...

The twinners creations!!

Mommy celebrated her 39th birthday on March 17th....with the help of her family...and of course her monkey boys....The twinners decided they would make my cake....seriously...they came up with this idea on their own and discussed it for an entire week. When Mommy finally gave then the go-ahead, they tore into our baking supplies with wild abandon...Evan decided he would like to make me a "wedding cake"..... Alexander decided that he wanted to make cupcakes......They both agreed that whatever they made should be "pink"....Mommy's favorite color! The monkeys really did all the baking..with the exception of measuring the ingredients and the oven. I can't even begin to tell you how proud they were of the cupcakes....I had so much fun just watching them, this honnestly would have been enough of a birthday celebration for me. The boys were just so proud...they couldn't wait to present them at my party the next night...where Nana deemed them "magic".. Mommy had the best birthday ever......thanks to her family and of course her Monkey boys..and Little Baby Porkchop! xoxo P.S. I have no idea why the photos aren't in order.....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Green Eggs....& 2 HamBones!

Alexander and Evan's "send out to people"



The twinners love Dr. Seuss (who doesn't) and will find anyway possible to inject a passage from one of his stories into everyday conversation....Since they have a great love for "Green Eggs and Ham" I decided to cook them some green eggs. Now, I'm not an egg-lover myself....On my best raw, slippery eggs for the boys make me shudder...but then cooking GREEN eggs....!?! That should get me some extra Mommy points....They loved them...and ate them all down...Then...asked me to take a photo of them both "to send out to people"...xoxoxo